theo vermeulen

hi, i'm theo

I am a queer artist with a background in product design.

I graduated from design school during the pandemic and have been figuring it out ever since.

@MyGrowingBody is a collective of my work.

Disclaimer: This website is meant to share a story. Please be respectful.

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my creative


Welcome to my artistic timeline.

From the earliest moments of inspiration that ignited my love for art to the defining milestones that shaped my artistic voice, this timeline is a reflection of my evolving journey as an artist. Each chapter represents a canvas filled with experimentation, discovery of new techniques, and profound moments of self-expression. This timeline not only celebrates my artistic growth but also invites you to witness the narrative threads that bind my art to the world around me.

getting into art

grade school

 In my elementary school years, art became more than a hobby—it was my sanctuary from the complexities of everyday life. Amidst the chaos of childhood adventures and the quieter moments of introspection, I found solace in the act of creating. Art became my refuge, a place where I could freely explore and express the thoughts and feelings that often eluded my young mind. It was within those moments, surrounded by the scent of crayons and the gentle hum of creativity, that I forged a lifelong bond with art.

art meets design

design school

Faced with parental pressure to pursue a conventional career, I set aside my dreams of becoming a professional artist. However, fueled by a relentless passion for visual expression, I redirected my path towards design school. Design became my new canvas—a discipline that honored my artistic identity while offering a structured approach to innovation. In design school, I found a community that shared my passion for aesthetic excellence and meaningful impact, reaffirming my belief in the transformative power of artistry in shaping the world around us.


design school


covid pandemic

Graduating from design school amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic presented unforeseen hurdles in my journey. Armed with a robust education and a passion for innovative design, I embarked on the daunting task of navigating a job market in flux. The landscape was uncertain, and opportunities seemed scarce.

Despite the initial hardships, this period taught me invaluable lessons in adaptability and perseverance, ultimately leading me to discover new avenues and forge unexpected connections within the design community.

navigating design out of school

back to art

After a period of pursuing design, I found myself gradually losing interest in the structured world of functionality and efficiency. It was during this time of introspection that I rediscovered my deep-rooted love for visual art—a passion that had always resonated within me. As I immersed myself back into the realm of painting, drawing, and exploring new artistic mediums, I realized that art wasn't just a fleeting interest but a calling—a pathway where creativity flowed freely and boundless expression awaited. Through this rediscovery, I began to envision a career where my artistic voice could flourish and resonate authentically. It became clear that pursuing visual art wasn't just a dream but a viable and fulfilling career path that aligned with my truest passions and aspirations.


What's next?

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